Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Joshua 24

Read Joshua 24 and mark the following key words: Joshua, God, Israel, serve

Answer the following questions in your journal:
Who is speaking? 
To whom is he speaking to?
Where is this event happening?
What do you learn from marking the word serve?
When you look at the options Joshua gives the people, if they aren't going to serve God, what are the options? 

Even though the tabernacle is in Shiloh, Joshua gathers the people at Shechem. Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about the significance of Shechem:
Genesis 12:6
Genesis 33:18-20
Genesis 35:4
Joshua 20:5-9
Joshua 21:20-21

What is the Lord's pattern and purpose in conveying His message to the people through Joshua in this chapter?

How does Deuteronomy 6:10-15 connect with what is happening in this chapter? 

What does it mean to serve God? If you are not going to serve God, whom or what will you serve? Where will it take you? 

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