Monday, September 30, 2013

Colossians 4:5-17 Outsiders & Fellow Workers

Well, we made it!! This is our last Colossians lesson. I am sad to leave this book behind, but I am also so excited for our next study! I hope you will join us for our study on Covenant. 

So let's get to it! Read Colossians 4:5-17. You will notice this section breaks up into two ideas outsiders and fellow workers. The focus of our study this week will be on the two little verses that talk about outsiders. These verses are powerful, so don't miss it! 

So let's observe these verses. Remember when we observe we want to ask the 5W & H kind of questions. Think about what questions you could ask to observe verses 5&6. 

What commands does Paul give the Colossians regarding their actions toward outsiders? Write down these commands in your journal. 

Conduct with Wisdom
The first command Paul gives is to conduct themselves with wisdom. But what does this mean? What are two tools we use to find out what the text means?? (Yes this is a test) Use those two tools to interrogate what it means to conduct with wisdom. (make sure you look at both conduct & wisdom) Make sure to write down everything you learn in your journal!! 

Making the Most of Every Opportunity
WOW. This phrase hit me right between the eyes!! This phrase is broken up into two parts just like conduct with wisdom above. If the test above confused you, let me clarify at this point. We use two tools to interrogate the text: word studies & cross references. Remember how I showed you last week how to look up word studies on Blue Letter Bible? One thing we didn't talk about a lot, was how to find cross references. Blue Letter Bible can help you out here. When you are looking at a verse and want to do a word study, click the tools button to the left of the verse. This will bring up a box that breaks down each word or phrase. Click on the Strong's Number to the right of the word. This is your word study. If you scroll below the definition you will find the cross references. 

So here is what I want you to do. Do a word study & find 3-5 cross references for each part of the phrase making the most of every opportunity make sure to write down what you learn in your journal.. If you didn't do this for conduct wisdom, please go back and do so. 

Speech Seasoned with Grace
I will share with you at Bible Study why this verse is so important to me. It's been a big part of transformation in my life. Using the same two tools above interrogate this verse. I'm not going to tell you exactly what to look up. I want you to try it on your own. Remember part of what we do in Bible Study is to learn how to study for ourselves. We are constantly practicing it! Write down what you learn in your journal. 

The Church
Now I want you to observe what you learn about the church, Paul's fellow workers in the faith. Simply observe these verses. Ask yourself the 5W's & H questions. Write down what you learn in your journal. 

Wrap it Up
What has God shown you this week? In what ways has He pricked your heart? Spend some time confessing any sin He has revealed. Maybe you need to seek forgiveness. Don't miss out on this process. Write down in your journal any thoughts or prayers you have over what we studied this week! 

I love ya'll. Thank you for joining me on this journey through Colossians. It is my sincere pleasure to study with you each week. 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Colossians 4:2-4 Prayer

Can you believe it? This is almost our last lesson in Colossians. This week and next week we should finish out the book. I pray God is reminding you of all that He has taught you as we have studied this book together.

So let's get to it!! Open up your Bible and read chapter 4 in it's entirety. We studied verse one last week so we won't focus on it this week. There are three main sections in this chapter: 2-6, 7-9, and 10-18.

Let's start with the first section: read back through these verses and write down in your journal what is the main theme of these verses. Remember the easiest way to find a theme is to look for key words that are repeated. So what is repeated?? yep! Prayer. Make a list in your journal of what you learn about prayer. Remember to write down as much as possible trying to answer any 5W's & H. Now just in case you missed it, answer these questions in your journal: How are the Colossians to pray? With what attitude? What is Paul's specific request?

Are there any word here that stick out to you that you think we need to do a word study on? Write down in your journal any words or phrases that we should look into further by doing a word study. Now remember a word study is stopping to look at a word or phrase in it's original language while also considering the mood, tense, and voice. We use Blue Letter Bible for our word studies. Okay so let's dive into the Word studies. Look up these words (and any other words you wrote down): devote, keeping alert, & with an attitude of thanks giving and write down the definition in your journal.

What about some cross references on prayer? Let's do a few! Remember a cross reference is just another place in scripture that talks about what we are studying. Look up these verses and write down what you learn about prayer and what we should pray for:

  • Matt 6:5-13
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:17
  • Philippians 4:6
  • James 5:16-18
  • Ephesians 6:18-19
So let's review here. How were the Colossians to pray? With what attitude? What is Paul's specific request? What about you? What does prayer look like in your life? What has God shown you this week about prayer. Write down in your journal what you have learned. Be specific!! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Colossians 3:22-4:1 Slaves & Masters

This week we come to the final relationship type that is seen in Colossians: masters and slaves.

Let's begin this week's study be reading our passage in Colossians. Read Colossians 3:33-4:1. 

Now let's see what else we can learn about the relationship of slaves and masters in both the new and old testament.

Exodus 21
Go to Exodus 21. Exodus is one of the books of the law. In Exodus 21 we see what God said about how slaves are to be treated. Read the entire chapter and write down what you learn about slaves and masters.

Ephesians 6
Read Ephesians 6:5-9. Consider, what does God call both masters and slaves to do here? Write down what you learn about slaves and masters. Specifically noting how and why God calls them to these specific instructions. Why don't you stop and do a word study using Blue Letter Bible on the words eye service and men pleasers.

1 Tim 6
Read 1 Timothy 6:1-2. Using your chart write down what you learn about slaves and masters. Let's do another word study here in 1 Timothy. Search out the definitions of honor and disrespectful using Blue Letter Bible.

Titus 2
Now let's see what we can learn from Titus 2:9-10. Write down what you learn about slaves or masters.  Did you notice that word pilfer? Let's do a word study on this word.

Colossians 3
Let's open up the Word and read Colossians 3:22-4:1. Notice what this passage says about slaves and masters. Let's begin our third chart. This time one side will say masters and the other side will say slaves. Write down on your chart everything you learn about slaves and masters. The word for please men is the same word we saw in Ephesians 6 and the phrase external service is the same phrase as eye pleasers. What about the words sincere & fear? How does God call slaves to obey their masters? Write down your answer, then do word studies for the words sincere & fear. What does verse 23 have to say about how slaves are to work? Who are slaves really working for? How are masters to respond to their slaves in 4:1? Why? Do a word study on the words justice & fairness

You may be thinking...but what does this have to do with me? That is a great question. We will talk about it in Bible Study on Thursday! Cannot wait to see you!!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Colossians 3:20-21 Parents & Children

Who knew last week that just two verses could hold so much for us. I pray that this week is the same for you! This week we turn our attention to parents and children. 

Open up your Bible to Colossians 3 and read verses 20&21. This week we will do something similar to the list we made last week. However, I do not have a fancy chart for you, so you will have to make your own. 

Read Exodus 20:12. This is one of the ten commandments. Write down what you learn.

Go to Deut 6:4-9. This passage is known as the Shema. As you read this passage write down everything you learn about the role of a parent.

Read Psalm 78:1-4. Write down what you learn here about parents. 

Read Prov 22:6,15, & 23:13. Write down what you learn here about parents and children. 

Go to Ephesians 6:1-4. Read these verses and write down what you learn about children and parents.

Now let's return to Colossians 3:20-21. Write down what you learn about parents and children

In your journal ask and answer these questions. 

  • What is the role of children?
  • To what extent are children to be obedient to their parents
  • Why are children to be obedient to their parents?
  • What are parents called to do?
  • Why are parents given this instruction?

Now let's turn out attention to word studies! Look up these words on Blue Letter Bible: be obedient, all things, well pleasing, exasperate, & lose heart. 

As we close this week, it's time for a heart check. Where is your heart at in this? Write down how God is prompting your heart through this lesson. 

I am praying for you this week! I pray that your hearts will remain open to what God has to say to you!