Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Inductive Bible Study

This post is for those of you who missed out on the first study we did: How to Study the Bible. We used Kay Arthur's book Lord Teach me to Study in 28 Days and learned the Inductive Study Method.

If you have ever sat down and talked Bible study with me, you have probably heard me tell you some form of the Inductive Study Method.

Inductive vs. Deductive
Inductive Bible Study is where you learn how to study for yourself. You are learning directly from the text itself, instead of hearing someone else speak the words to you. It's the difference between going to church and listening to the pastor preach and message and you at home in the Word studying it for yourself. Another example is you studying the Word vs. doing a study by someone who tells you what it means. Learning though people is not a bad thing, but when you learn it yourself you will find that the Word is truly written on your heart!

The first step to Inductive Bible Study is observation. Observation asks the question "What does the text say?"Observing is what we are doing when we read through the book of Colossians and mark key words, or make a list while asking the 5W's & an H. In observation we are only looking at what the text says itself.

The next step of Inductive Bible Study is interpretation. Interpretation asks "What does the text mean?" We are interpreting the text when we consider the context, look up Greek or Hebrew definitions, or look up cross references. Interpretation is closely related to observation. We are still not looking at what someone else tells us the verses or chapter means, but we are drawing conclusions from the text always while keeping the context in mind. In Interpretation, context is king, because it rules (or directs) interpretation.

Application is the final step of Inductive Bible Study. In application we ask "How does the text apply to me?" In application we must consider how what we learned in the text changes our  belief or our behavior. True application happens when we our minds, hearts, or actions change based on what we see in the text.

This is just a brief synopsis of the Inductive Study Method. If you are interested in learning more, I encourage you to stop by You can find a more in-depth description of the Inductive Study Method here.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Colossians 2 Overview: Pt 3

Now we are going to mark time. With a green clock, mark any reference to time. Remember time references are often seen with the words when, then, next, etc.

Read through the chapter once more looking for paragraph divisions. Paragraph divisions can be found by looking for the verse numbers in bold. Once you find the paragraph division or section summarize each one. Please use the text itself to develop your summary. Be careful to not jump to interpretation, we are just observing chapter two. In your journal write down the paragraph summaries.

In your journal answer these question:
How does chapter 2 relate to chapter 1? It's important that you see how the two relate. Remember the theme found in 2:10. Everything we are seeing must fit under the umbrella of that theme. 

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Colossians 2 Overview: Pt 2

As you read did you notice any other key repeated words? If not, go back and look for any key words. Remember Key words are words that are repeated and hold meaning. They help us unlock the meaning of the text. 

Mark these key words. Key Words: knowledge/understanding, circumcision. Then make a list of them in your journal.

This chapter has warnings or instructions to the Colossians. Read through the chapter and number the warnings/instructions. Then (if you haven’t already) make a list of the warnings and instructions in this chapter. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Colossians Overview: Part 1

Welcome to Chapter two! I am so proud of your study up to this point! I encourage you to continue in your diligence! 

This week we are going to observe chapter two more directly. Remember that this chapter is where we found our chapter theme of “complete in Christ”. If you haven’t mark the theme verse in a distinguishing way. I like to put a star next to the verse.

Read through Chapter 2 of Colossians. If you haven’t marked the author and recipient, then do that as you read through the chapter. Using colored pencils or pens put a rectangle around the author (any reference to Paul) and put a circle around the recipients (any reference to the Colossians).  If you haven’t made a list on them, do so at this time. If you have already marked author & recipient then review your list for chapter 2.

If you have not marked and listed Jesus, in chapter two, now is the time to do it. I mark Jesus with a red cross. Don’t forget to mark any reference including pronouns. Then make a list on Jesus.