Monday, February 23, 2015

Ephesians 6:5-8

Let's continue our study in chapter 6 this week. We talked about parents and we move on to slaves. I know, you think it doesn't apply to you. Do the work, marinate in the text and ask the Lord to show you Truth in His Word this week. 

Read Ephesians 6:1-8. Recall that we have talked about what we are without Christ and who we are in Christ. In chapter 4 we saw this shift in the text where we learned that because of what Christ has done in us, it changes the way we live. We aren't to outwardly strive to be better or do better, but because Christ has so transformed us it changes everything in our lives. And this week we are learning more about how Christ's changing of our heart changes our actions. 

Mark the word slaves/ servant and any pronouns in the text. Make a list of instructions that are given to slaves/servants. What are slaves to do? Why? How? Notice all the details.

Word Studies:
I pray you are feeling more confident doing your own word studies. Keep it up this week! What words describe an action, are descriptive, or bring meaning into the text? Look up those words. (I am not asking you to look up every word in the text.)

Cross References:
Have you ever wondered how I decide what verses we look up each week? It can take a lot of work. Sometimes I know there are similar passages in other places in Scripture, but other times I have to do it the old fashioned way: using a concordance or doing a word search on Blue Letter Bible. The other way you can find cross reference is built into the word study portion of Blue Letter Bible. If you scroll down to the bottom you will find every place in Scripture that word is used. 

So here is what we are going to do. I want you to look up verses on servants/slaves. In Blue letter Bible go to where you would do a typical Word Study on the word slave/servant. Scroll down. Look through and read the verses (there are three pages of verses). Not all the verses apply to our context. Read through and find 3-5 verses (from different books) that help you understand the text in Ephesians 6. Remember we are look for what we can learn about slaves/ servants. Do you find any verses that give more instructions to servants? Are there any verses that give you context to who is a servant/slave? Do you see any big picture verses that connect to God or Jesus? (Don't be afraid of doing it wrong, just try and we will talk through it at Bible Study. I just want you to TRY. YOU CAN DO IT!!) 

Come to Bible Study ready to discuss what you learned. If at any point you get stuck, call or text me and I will help you one of one. Don't get paralyzed by thinking you can't do it. If you have doubts I will help you work through them! 

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