Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ephesians 5:22-33 Husbands and Wives

This week we will focus on marriage from Ephesians 5:22-33. There is a major lesson this week that I am praying that you see. Marriage is so beyond us and is a bigger picture of something awesome. Let's investigate the text and see what we can learn. 

Read Ephesians 5:22-33 and mark husband, wife, subject/submit, and love. 

What do you learn about husbands and wives? What are their roles in the family? Make a list on what you learn about husbands and make a list on what you learn about wives. 

Do you see any comparisons in this part of the text? (Look for the word as) Write down in your journal the comparisons.

Look up these words in the Greek using Blue Letter Bible: love & subject/submit. Write down everything you learn.

What did you learn this week from the text? What role does a husband have? What does his role show/display? What role does a wife have? What does her role show/display? Is there a bigger picture of marriage? Is there purpose above ourselves in marriage? (Yes, there is) What is the grander purpose? Why does our role in marriage matter? 

I am so looking forward to sharing together what we learned from the Word this week! Can't wait to see you! 

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