Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ephesians 4:17-24 Old Self and New Self

This week we will move on from Spiritual Gifts and talk about the old self and the new self in Ephesians 4:17-24. 

Stop, and read Ephesians 4:17-5:14. Remember when we read, we read slowly and intentionally trying to understand what the passage says (not what it means). We do not skim through the verses. 

Now it's time for us to mark some words. We mark words because it helps us to see what the text says. It helps us see what is obvious in the text. So get out your colored pens or pencils and mark these words in Ephesians 4:17-5:14: walk, according to, former, truth, therefore, lay aside, just as, old self, new self (if you are new to Bible study you also need to mark: in Christ or in Him, and any reference to the Ephesians - you).

Look at the therefores you marked (I like to mark it with a black box). What conclusions to they introduce? (Remember therefore is a term of conclusion, so we know it is summing up something). Make a list of what you learn in your journal.

Do you see any reason for grouping Ephesians 4:17-5:14? Write your thoughts in your journal.

Now let's focus the rest of our study on Ephesians 4:17-24. There are two groups of people listed is these verses. Who are they? In these verses we see the gentiles and those taught truth in Jesus. In your journal make a list of what you learn about each of these groups. Remember when we make lists, we are just writing down what the text says, we are not interpreting what the text says.

Did you notice a verse in 17-24 that contrasts believers and gentiles? (look for the word but, it tells us there is a contrast). Write down the verse in your journal.

You also marked the old self and new self in these verses. There are two other main places in scripture that talk about the old self and new self. I want you to use the chart below to make a list of everything you learn in each passage about the old self and the new self: Romans 6:1-11, Colossians 3:5-17. 

Let's look up some greek words! Remember we use Blue Letter Bible to look up words, not the dictionary. Go to Blue Letter Bible and Search Ephesians 4 using the NASB or ESV. Scroll down to the verses you will see a button that says Tools next to each verse. You click on that button and then click on the Strong's number next to each word to find the definition. One you are in the definition look for the Vine's Dictionary link and read there too. Look up these words in Ephesians 4:17-24 and write down everything you learn: lay aside, corrupted, renewed, put on, righteousness, holiness

In your journal I want you to summarize what you learned about the new self and old self. Now I want you to look at your chart on old self and new self, look at the greek words you looked up, and ask yourself two things: What does this mean to you practically? How is this going to help you in your day to day walk? 

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