Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Colossians 3:20-21 Parents & Children

Who knew last week that just two verses could hold so much for us. I pray that this week is the same for you! This week we turn our attention to parents and children. 

Open up your Bible to Colossians 3 and read verses 20&21. This week we will do something similar to the list we made last week. However, I do not have a fancy chart for you, so you will have to make your own. 

Read Exodus 20:12. This is one of the ten commandments. Write down what you learn.

Go to Deut 6:4-9. This passage is known as the Shema. As you read this passage write down everything you learn about the role of a parent.

Read Psalm 78:1-4. Write down what you learn here about parents. 

Read Prov 22:6,15, & 23:13. Write down what you learn here about parents and children. 

Go to Ephesians 6:1-4. Read these verses and write down what you learn about children and parents.

Now let's return to Colossians 3:20-21. Write down what you learn about parents and children

In your journal ask and answer these questions. 

  • What is the role of children?
  • To what extent are children to be obedient to their parents
  • Why are children to be obedient to their parents?
  • What are parents called to do?
  • Why are parents given this instruction?

Now let's turn out attention to word studies! Look up these words on Blue Letter Bible: be obedient, all things, well pleasing, exasperate, & lose heart. 

As we close this week, it's time for a heart check. Where is your heart at in this? Write down how God is prompting your heart through this lesson. 

I am praying for you this week! I pray that your hearts will remain open to what God has to say to you! 

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