I want to start this week with a review of the Inductive Study Method (ISM). The ISM is the way we study the Bible. You have probably walked the aisles of several Christians book stores and seen lots of Bible studies written by great Christian Authors. I know we have all listened to a sermon on a Sunday morning. Both using a a study written by someone else and listening to a sermon are called deductive learning. We are getting the information through someone else's way of thinking. Inductive Bible Study is getting the information from the primary source...the Bible. We are not listening to what someone else thinks about it, but discovering it on our own.
The Inductive Study Method has three main components:
Observation is when we ask the question "What does the text say?" We are looking not to figure out what it means or what it means to me, but just what it says. We do several things to help us learn what the text says. We read with a purpose, not just skimming the text but trying to understand it as we read. We mark key words. Key words are words that are repeated and help us unlock the meaning of the text. We ask questions. Questions like "who is writing, who are they writing to, what are they asking, why are they asking that...."We also make lists and make note of contrasts, comparisons, and terms of conclusion. Remember in observation we are looking to find out what the text says and only what the text says. We often have to keep ourselves from rushing forward, so many of us cannot wait to get to the next step. Proper observation is essential because it builds the foundation of our interpretation!!! So don't miss out here!
Interpretation is when we ask the question "What does the text mean?" The biggest thing we must remember in interpretation is CONTEXT. Context is the setting in which something dwells. As we study any passage we want to remember what the book as a whole is talking about along with the chapter we are studying. The meaning is always connected to the chapter and the book as a whole. Interpretation is where we focus on key word studies and cross references. We are digging deeper to understand the meaning.
Application is when we ask the question "How does the meaning of the text apply to me?" In application we must determine how what we have learned changes our belief about something or our behavior. Application is our ultimate goal in Bible Study. We do not just want to gain knowledge, we want our lives to be transformed by the living and breathing Word of God!
Okay, now let's look at our homework for this week. I am going to break the homework up this week into the three steps so you can see them for yourself.
Start by praying and asking the Lord for His wisdom and discernment. Ask Him to teach you as your study. Now let's read Ephesians 2:1-10. Now I want you to read it again, this time I want you to mark every reference to grace. Go back through verses 1-10 and mark any reference to time. I mark time with a green clock. Get out your journal. I want you to write the following questions in your journal along with your answers. Remember look for the answers in the text:
- What do you learn about grace in these verses?
- How are the Ephesians saved?
- Through what are they saved?
- What is it not of?
- Why?
- What does verse 10 say about the Ephesians?
- How are they described?
- When were their works prepared?
- What were they prepared for?
Let's do some word studies and cross references. Let's start with the word grace. You may have looked it up last week. Let's look it up again, write it down, and allow it to sink in. Now I want you to look up the word faith. Write down what you learn in your journal. Now we are going to do some cross references. Look up these verses and write down what you learn about grace, faith, and works.
- Romans 3:22-28
- Romans 4:13-24
- Galatians 2:16
- Galatians 3:22-24
- Acts 26:15-18
- Hebrews 11:1-2
Now let's dig deeper into verse 10. We must ask ourselves, What does it mean to be God's workmanship? Look up these verses and write down what you learn:
- 2 Cor 5:15
- James 2:14-26
How does what you have learned this week about grace, faith, works change the way you believe or the way you act? What in your life needs to be transformed by God's Word?
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