Begin each day of study this week with prayer. Ask the Lord to open up your eyes. Ask Him to help you understand anything that is difficult for you to get. Ask Him to be your teacher. Ask Him to illuminate your mind with His awesome truths!!
Start by reading Ephesians 2 (yes the whole chapter). I want you to remember where we have been so that it connects to what we will study this week. As you read, slow down, and actually read through the text. Don't rush through just to mark words. This is the Word of God, we want to cherish it's words and soak them them. We want to truly understand them, not just breeze over them to complete a task. Now get out your colored pens or pencils and mark these key words in 2:11-12: remember & time. Notice how Paul begins verse 11, he says "remember." Paul wants the Ephesians to remember something. In your journal write down what Paul wants them to remember from verses 11&12.
One of the things Paul wants them to remember is that they were called "uncircumcision." Let's dive a little deeper and figure out what the text means when it says this. To do so, we must go all the way back to Genesis. Find Genesis Chapter 17:1-14 (in your Bible or on the worksheet attached at the end of this lesson). Read and mark the words covenant and circumcision. Now make a list in your journal about what you learn about covenant and circumcision. Ask yourself this question and write the answer in your journal: How does what you learned in Genesis 17 relate to the place of the Gentiles before they were saved by grace?
Ephesians 2:12 tells us that the Ephesians were strangers to the covenants of promise. Notice that word covenant is plural meaning multiple covenants. Don't you think we need to explore what these covenants were? Let's explore these covenants by diving into some scripture. Read the passages below and write down what you learn about each covenant:
- Abrahamic Covenant
- Genesis 12:1-3 & 15:1-18 (How does Gd plan to make Abraham a father of many nations? How does Abraham respond?)
- Galatians 3:5-9 (Look for how this passage relates to Abraham)
- The New Covenant
- Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Ezekiel 36:26-27
- Hebrews 10:10-18
- Luke 22:14, 19-20
- The Davidic Covenant
- 2 Samuel 7:12-13,16 & 2 Chronicles 21:7
- Romans 1:1-5 & Revelation 19:11-16; 20:4
I realize at this point you may be wondering, what does any of this have to do with Ephesians? Well, let's look at it. Go back and read Ephesians 2:11-12. Ask yourself how do these covenants relate to the Ephesians and where they were without Christ? Be ready to discuss everything you learned in class on Thursday!
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