Now I want you to read Ephesians 3:1-21, focusing on verses 14-21. Notice how Paul describes God, write down what you see in your journal. Read back through verses 14-21 and write down the main points of Paul's prayer (pay attention to the word that). There are two main statements here with corresponding results. Make sure you write down not just Paul's points, but the why (or results).
Now let's dive a little deeper. Look up these words using Blue Letter Bible and write down everything you learn in your journal: dwell, rooted, grounded, power, love.
Power is used twice in this prayer. We have seen it in other places in Ephesians. Let's see what the rest of the Bible has to say about power. Look up these verses and write down what you learn about power and how the verse relates to what you see in Ephesians 3:14-21.
- Acts 1:8
- 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
- 1 Thessalonians 1:5-7
- 1 Peter 1:3-5
- 2 Peter 1:3
- Revelation 7:12
The word love is also repeated in these verses several times. Look up these cross references on the word love and write down how they relate to Ephesians 3:14-21
- John 15 (yes the whole chapter. Pay attention to the word abide)
- Romans 5:8
- 1 John 4:7-12
I realize our homework is cross reference heavy this week. I pray that you are diligent to do the work. End this week by going back and reading Ephesians 3:14-21. What is Paul praying for these people? Why was he praying it? (Again look for answers in the text) How does Paul's prayer for the Ephesians relate to your life?
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