Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ephesians 3:14-21 Paul's Prayer Pt 2

Last week we talked about the mystery found in Ephesians 3:4-13 (that the Jews and the Gentiles are one in Christ brought into one body we call the church). This week our focus will be on Paul's prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. Start this week with prayer, ask the Lord to reveal His Truth to you. Ask Him to teach you what He is saying in this passage. Ask Him to focus your mind as you study. 

Now I want you to read Ephesians 3:1-21, focusing on verses 14-21. Notice how Paul describes God, write down what you see in your journal. Read back through verses 14-21 and write down the main points of Paul's prayer (pay attention to the word that). There are two main statements here with corresponding results. Make sure you write down not just Paul's points, but the why (or results).

Now let's dive a little deeper. Look up these words using Blue Letter Bible and write down everything you learn in your journal: dwell, rooted, grounded, power, love. 

Power is used twice in this prayer. We have seen it in other places in Ephesians. Let's see what the rest of the Bible has to say about power. Look up these verses and write down what you learn about power and how the verse relates to what you see in Ephesians 3:14-21.

  • Acts 1:8
  • 2 Corinthians 12:7-10
  • 1 Thessalonians 1:5-7
  • 1 Peter 1:3-5
  • 2 Peter 1:3
  • Revelation 7:12

The word love is also repeated in these verses several times. Look up these cross references on the word love and write down how they relate to Ephesians 3:14-21

  • John 15 (yes the whole chapter. Pay attention to the word abide)
  • Romans 5:8
  • 1 John 4:7-12
I realize our homework is cross reference heavy this week. I pray that you are diligent to do the work. End this week by going back and reading Ephesians 3:14-21. What is Paul praying for these people? Why was he praying it? (Again look for answers in the text) How does Paul's prayer for the Ephesians relate to your life? 

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ephesians 3:3-13 - The Mystery

Last week we talked about Paul's calling, his ministry. We saw that God placed a specific call on Paul's life to make known the mystery. But what is the mystery? This week we will unpack the mystery.

Start this week with prayer. Ask the Lord to open your heart. Ask Him to teach you his Word this week. Be diligent sweet girls, and He is faithful to write His truth on your heart!

Read through Ephesians 3:1-13 and ask yourself. What is the mystery? Does Paul define it in these verses? (He does! Keep looking until you find it) In last week's homework I asked you to look up the mystery. Go back and look at it. (If you didn't get that far, now is the time to go find the definition on Blue Letter Bible)

Last week we marked the word body in Ephesians 3 (I like to mark it as a stick figure). Go back through the first two chapters and mark any references to the body that you find. Now go back through and mark the word church (Pay attention to any synonyms for the church. I mark church with a little building or house). What do we learn about the body and the church? Make a list about what you learn about each word (in chapters 1-3). (This is another reason we mark, it helps us easily go back and find where the key words are.) Now ask yourself, what does the body and the church have to do with the mystery? Write down your answer

Now let's look at another place in scripture that talks about the mystery! Go to Colossians 1:24-29, read through this passage and write down in your journal what you learn about the mystery. Now let's look another passage in Romans 11:13-36. A word of warning, this passage may seem very confusing. Your job is to learn what you can about the mystery. You do not have to understand everything. Pay attention to the imagery of the natural olive tree and the wild one. Write down what you learn in your journal from Romans 11:13-36 about the mystery.

Now let's return to Ephesians. Did you notice the word administration in 3:9? If not go back and read that verse. That word administration is the same word for stewardship in verse 2. What did the word stewardship mean? Go back at look at it in your notes (or look it up in Blue Letter Bible). Write it down again in this weeks notes. Consider what Paul is saying in 3:8-9 (including the administration). Write down in your own words what Paul is saying.

Now let's look at verses 11-13. How do they connect to verses 4-9? (notice the word purpose) How does purpose connect to the rest of these verses? Write down your observations in your journal.

Now stop, read Ephesians 3:1-13. Do you understand what it says and what it means? Remember this week we want to understand the mystery. What is the mystery? What does the mystery mean for us? If you don't completely understand its okay. That is why we come together for Bible Study and discuss it. Remember we always start with knowing what it says. What it says builds the foundation for what it means. Now I must ask a third question, how does this apply to you? Are you apart of God's body? Have you surrendered your life to Jesus by putting your faith in Him? Remember what Ephesians 2:8-10 says: It's by grace you are saved, through faith, it's not works (something you earn), it's just faith. Have you put your faith in Jesus? I never want to assume that you have. If you are apart of God's body, what does Ephesians 3:12 mean for you? What has been given to you? Write down your applications in your journal.

God's mystery is great! He in His great purpose brought the Gentiles into the body, His church. He took down the barrier wall and made the Jews and the Gentiles into one body in Jesus (and only by and through Jesus did this happen). Are you grateful? Do you realize you did not earn this? Does it humble you? It is not a truth to be taken for granted. Make sure you stop and thank Him that He made known the mystery of Jesus through the Apostle Paul.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ephesians 3:1-3 - Paul's Stewardship

This week we are moving on to chapter three. We will look at chapter three in general and then we will focus in on the first three verses.

Start by reading chapter three. Read through it again looking for key words we have marked so far (grace, time, love, knowledge, power, in Jesus, in heavenly places, according to). Also mark: faith, church & mystery.

Last week we ended chapter 2 by looking at the paragraph divisions. This week I want you to do this on your own. Look for the bold numbers, they tell you where a paragraph begins. Look for a phrase or verse that sums up what that paragraph says. Write down the divisions in your journal. Now I want you tho think about the way the first three chapters flow together. Write down in your journal the flow of thought. Now let's see what we can observe from chapter three. What do you learn about Paul in chapter three. Jot down some main things you see. Make sure you notice what Paul's status is.

In 3:2 Paul talks about the stewardship is God's grace that was given to him. We must ask ourselves "What stewardship was Paul given?" See what answers you can find in the text. Scripture tells us so much about Paul, his life, his ministry, and his calling. What does the word stewardship mean? Look it up using Blue Letter Bible and write down in your journal what you learn. What else can we learn about Paul's stewardship from other places in the Bible? Let's read Acts 26:1-20, what do you learn from this passage about Paul's calling and ministry (Don't miss his language about the promise)? Write down what you learn in your journal. Now go to 2 Timothy 2:8-12, read it and look for what you can learn about his ministry and his calling. Write down what you learn in your journal. Now read 2 Timothy 4:4-18, here Paul writes about finishing his calling well. Look for the lessons he shares with Timothy and write down what you learn.

Now go back and look at the Ephesians 3:1-3. What other words do you see here that might be helpful for us to look up? I believe it's insightful for us to look at the words revelation and mystery. Write down what you learn. Now stop and look at the verses again. What stewardship was given to Paul? Why was it given to him? Write down what you see.

Paul was an amazing man. It blesses me that we get to read his story in the Bible. God's divine story of grace in Paul's life. I want us to end this week of homework thinking about how this applies to our lives. How did this passage speak to you? What did God teach you? What life lessons do you learn from Paul's ministry and calling? Write these down so you don't forget them. I look forward to meeting together with you this week. I pray that God will open your hearts and minds to the great truth about His gospel and the way it transforms us.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ephesians 2:18-22 Jesus the Cornerstone

This is our last week in chapter two. I am amazed at everything the Lord has shown us in just 22 verses! I pray that you are amazed at the Gospel and that it compels you to share what you have learned with those around you. 

Start by reading chapter 2. (Yes again) As you read pay attention to everything Jesus has done for you.  Now go back and read verses 17-22. If you didn't last week mark the word building/built/dwelling in these verses. Make a list of what you learn about what Jesus built. 

Did you notice the word cornerstone? Last week someone asked what that was. Well this week we are going to talk about it. Look up the definition in Blue Letter Bible for the word "cornerstone." Ephesians tells us that Jesus is the cornerstone. But what does that mean? Let's look up some cross references and write down what we learn about the cornerstone: Psalm 118:22, Isaiah 8:13-15, Matthew 21:42-44, Romans 9:30-33. 

Now let's look at the cornerstone a little bit further. Find 1 Peter 2:4-10 (or use the handout below) and mark references to the recipients in Peter's letter (you), stone, and house. Now make a list on what you learn about the stone and the recipients. 

Are you confused yet? I pray that God is using His word to bring the pieces together and help it make sense to you. It's time to do another word study. Look up "being fitted together" in Blue Letter Bible and write down what you learn in your journal. In verse 22, being built together is present tense which means a continuous action. How does this help you understand this verse? What is it telling you about the house? Write down what you learn in your journal. Also ask yourself: What follows the foundation? Who makes up the rest of the building? 

Have you noticed the word "Spirit" in these verses? Who is this Spirit and what role does the Spirit have in what you have studied in verses 14-22? What role does the Spirit play in 1:13-14? Write down your conclusions. 

This week ends our study in Ephesians 2. Spend some time thinking about what God has taught you in this chapter. Write in your journal what you have learned in our study do far.