- Read Joshua 8
- Read Joshua 8 and mark the following words: Joshua, Ai, God, ambush, commanded, references to time
- In your journal make a list about everything you learn about the word commanded in this chapter.
- What strategy did God give Joshua about the city of Ai? How did the events unfold? Write down your answers in your journal.
- Using Blue Letter Bible look up the words spoil, plunder, & ambush and write down what you learn in your journal.
- This isn't the first fight against Ai. What is different about this battle compared to the previous one?
- Read Deuteronomy 27 and compare it to the events in this chapter. What does this tell you about Joshua and his leadership? Does it give you any further insight into what happens in Joshua 8:30-35? Write down what you learn in your journal.
Did you learn anything new about God this week? What did you learn about leadership? Spend a little bit of time writing out what you are learning in Joshua and how it is shaping your view of God.