Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Joshua 24

Read Joshua 24 and mark the following key words: Joshua, God, Israel, serve

Answer the following questions in your journal:
Who is speaking? 
To whom is he speaking to?
Where is this event happening?
What do you learn from marking the word serve?
When you look at the options Joshua gives the people, if they aren't going to serve God, what are the options? 

Even though the tabernacle is in Shiloh, Joshua gathers the people at Shechem. Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about the significance of Shechem:
Genesis 12:6
Genesis 33:18-20
Genesis 35:4
Joshua 20:5-9
Joshua 21:20-21

What is the Lord's pattern and purpose in conveying His message to the people through Joshua in this chapter?

How does Deuteronomy 6:10-15 connect with what is happening in this chapter? 

What does it mean to serve God? If you are not going to serve God, whom or what will you serve? Where will it take you? 

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Joshua 23


  • Read Joshua 23 and mark the following words: Joshua, Lord, you (the nation of Israel), fight, nations.
  • We are going to make several lists this week. Make a list on each of the following (write down everything you see in the text regarding them. Remember we are letting the text speak for itself be careful not to paraphrase here.): Joshua, Israel, The Nations, God
Answer the following questions in your journal:
  • What is Joshua's encouragement/urging to the people? 
  • What are Joshua's warnings to the people?

Look up the following verses and write down how they relate to what you see in Joshua 23:

  • Deuteronomy 7:17-24
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1

What are the lessons for us in this chapter? How does it relate to you, your life, your personal walk with Jesus? 

Monday, May 23, 2016

Joshua 22


  • Read Numbers 32:1-33 and note whom Moses is talking to and what promises are made.
  • Read Joshua 22 and mark references to: Joshua, Lord, Moses, commandment/commanded, altar, witness, acted unfaithfully/unfaithful act, turn away from following the Lord, tabernacle, rest

In your journal write down the following things (making sure your note who and why)

  • Record the case the nine and a half tribes west of the Jordan have against the two and a half that built an altar. 
  • List what you learn about the two and a half tribes plans for the altar. 

Consider what each group thought and what they intended to do about it. Was either side wrong in the action they wanted to take if their understanding was correct? Read Deuteronomy 13:12-16 for additional understanding to the situation.

Compare what happened in Joshua 22 with 1 Corinthians 5:1-2. What is happening in the Corinthian church and how is it dealt with?

How does Joshua 22 speak to you? Write down your thoughts in your journal. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Joshua 21

This week we are going to look at the cities given to the Levites to live in. 


  • Read Joshua 21 and mark each of the sons of Levi in a different color: Sons of Kohath/Kohathites, Sons of Gershon/Gershonites, Sons of Merari/ Merarites, Sons of Araron.
  • Also mark these words: The Lord/God, Joshua, commanded, sworn/promises.
  • Get out your map of the Levites from last week and color code the cities given to the Levites as you color coded each son of Levi in the text. (If you missed last week the map is here)

Answer the following questions in your journal about the text:

  • What do the sons of Levi ask for? Why?
  • How many cities are given to the Sons of Levi? How are they situated on the map? 
  • What do you learn about God at the end of this chapter? Make a list of everything you learn.

Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about the role of the Levites:

  • Deuteronomy 18:1-8
  • Deuteronomy 17:8-13
  • Malachi 2:4-7

Thinking about the role of the Levites and their location throughout the land what would it mean to the people of the land to have the Levites around them? 

If the Levites did what they were supposed to do how would this impact the life and culture of the people?

What is the role of the church in the community? Do you see any parallels between the Levites in their designated cities and the local churches? 

What role does our church have in impacting our community? 

What about you personally? Are you impacting the people and the community around you? 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Joshua 20


  • Read Joshua 20 and mark the following words: Lord, Joshua, cities of refuge, avenger of blood, the manslayer
  • Look at the map below. Locate the cities of refuge and color or mark them
  • In your journal list what you learn from marking the avenger of blood and the man slayer (you will have two different lists here).

Read the following passages and write down what insight they give you into what murder does and how God wants it dealt with:

  • Deuteronomy 19:1-13
  • Numbers 35:9-34

Answer the following questions in your journal:

  • Were these cities just for the Israelites?
  • Can you see the importance of these cities of refuge and the significance of their location?
  • Have you seen anything that would help you better understand the importance of dealing with murderers?

How can you apply what you learned this week? 

Monday, May 2, 2016

Joshua 18-19


  • Read Joshua 18-19 and mark the following words: Shiloh, Joshua, Moses, Lord, lot, Benjamin, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan
  • In your journal write down everything you learn about Shiloh in chapter 18.
  • What do you see about Dan in chapter 19? Write down in your journal what you learn. 

We saw some very interesting things about Shiloh in chapter 18. Look up the following verses and write down what else you learn about Shiloh:

  • Deuteronomy 12:1-14
  • 1 Sam 1:1-3
  • Psalm 78:54-61

What did we see about the sons of Dan in chapter 19? After all that we have studied so far regarding possession of the land why is what we see about the sons of Dan so important? 

What did you learn about God this week? What did you learn about His house (from what you learned about Shiloh?)? What did you learn about Dan's obedience? 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Joshua 15-17


  • Read Joshua 15-17 and mark the following words: Joshua, Judah, Joseph, Ephraim, Manasseh, Canaanites, Lord, Moses, possession, inheritance, drive out
  • List what you learn from marking the Canaanites in Joshua 16 & 17

Answer the following questions and write the answers in your journal:

  • What do you learn about the daughters of Zelophehad in Chapter 17?
  • What do you think is the most important phrase you marked once in 16 and once in 17? Why?

Look at Joshua 17:14-18. 

  • What is the complaint of the sons of Joseph? 
  • What is their concern?
  • What is Joshua's response and what do you think about it?
  • Do you see any contrast between Caleb's attitude and that of the son's of Joseph


  • Which son of Joseph's inheritance is described first? Look at Genesis 48:17-20 and ask yourself if there is a possible connection in the order.
  • The Canaanites are listed two other places in Joshua (5:1 and 7:9). Look up these references, mark them, and write what what you learn about the Canaanites from these verses.
  • What lesson do you think the Lord has for us in the key repeated phrase "but they did not drive them our completely"
  • How do Joshua 16:10 and17:3 compare to Joshua 15:63?
Look up the following verses and note what they say and how they would pertain to the situation in 17:14-18:

  • Deuteronomy 20:1-4
  • Psalm 20:7
  • Proverbs 21:28-31
  • Psalm 21:28-31
  • Psalm 60:11-12
  • Psalm 78:9
  • Psalm 105:5

What has the Lord shown you this week? Write it down in your journal. 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Joshua 14

Remember that with observation we are looking for what does the text say. We aren't telling it what it says, but investigating it to discover what is there in the text. We read with a purpose, mark the text and ask questions because it helps us see what is in the text itself.

  • Read Joshua 14
  • Read Joshua 14 and mark the following words: Joshua, Caleb, Moses, Lord (God), inheritance, command, follow the Lord fully.
  • In your journal list everything that you learn about Caleb in Joshua 14.
  • Now read Joshua 15:13-19 mark and list everything that you learn about Caleb in that passage. 

In interpretation we are asking ourselves what does the text mean. Remember that CONTEXT is ESSENTIAL in interpretation. Be careful to stay within the context of the chapter and the book of Joshua. In interpretation we will also look at what we can learn in other parts of the Bible about whatever we are studying (we call those cross references) and we look of Greek and Hebrew words (we call that a word study). In interpretation we are not seeking out someone else's interpretation (looking at outside sources), but are digging deeper to see what else the Bible has to say.

Using Blue Letter Bible look up the following words that are used to describe Caleb and write down what you learn about them: follow & fully

Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about Caleb:

  • Numbers 13
  • Numbers 14
  • Judges 1:11-21
  • Judges 3:1-11

Application is the final step we take during Bible Study. It's where we ask a very important question: How does what I have learned in the Bible change my belief or my behavior? In application we are looking for more than head knowledge we are looking for heart knowledge that is lived out in our every day lives.

What did you learn this week about following the Lord fully? Are you following the Lord fully? If not, what is preventing you from doing so? Write out your answers in your journal and take them to the Lord. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Joshua 13

  • Read Joashua 13
  • Read Joshua 13 and mark every reference to: Joshua, the land, The Lord, the sons of Israel, Moses, inheritance, command (or commanded), Levi
  • Using your journal answer the following questions:
  • Who is speaking to whom in Joshua 13?
  • What commands are given?

  • Go back through and read the chapter again, as it describes each tribe's inheritance write the name of their tribe in the margin.
  • Look at the map below and see what each tribe still had to possess.

  • Note what side of the Jordan is being referred to (It may help you to mark what side in the text)
  • Which tribes are being dealt with first in Joshua 13 (List them in your journal)
  • What do you learn about the tribe of Levi in this chapter?

Compare Joshua 13:1-6 with Joshua 11:16-23. What insight are we given here in regards to taking the land? Remember that God's Word does not contradict itself so there must be a resolution.

Look up the following cross references and write down what you learn further about the tribe of Levi:

  • Deuteronomy 18:1-8
  • Deuteronomy 17:8-13
  • Malachi 2:4-7

As you read this chapter you will notice that God mentions again people who have been defeated. As the people go in to possess the land that is their inheritance don't you think it was an encouragement to remember the past victories, deliverances or judgements by God? Is there a way you could apply this to your life when you feel overwhelmed or discouraged?

Monday, March 28, 2016

Joshua 11 & 12


  • Read Joshua 11 &12
  • Read Joshua 11 & 12 and mark every reference to: Joshua, the kings and their people (mark as one), God, Moses, commanded, the land, struck, utterly destroyed
  • Using your journal answer the following questions:
  • Who comes up against Israel in Chapter 11?
  • How are these people described?
  • What does the Lord tell Joshua about this battle?
  • How does Joshua respond to what God says?
  • What is the outcome of this battle?
  • How is Joshua described in verse 15?
  • What has happened to the hearts of the kings in the land (verse 20)? Why?
  • What do we learn in verse 23 about the conquest of the land?


  • What is the importance of Joshua 11:16-12:24? Read through this section and then read Joshua chapter 1. How do these chapters compare?
  • Joshua 11:19-20 are important for us to look at further. What is the importance of these verses? What do they tell us?
  • Look up the following words using Blue Letter Bible: harden, mercy, (verse 20)
  • Read Deuteronomy 20:10-18, what do you learn about how the Children of Israel were told to take the cities. How does this passage connect with Joshua 11:19-20?
  • Read Romans 9:15-18, how does this passage connect with Joshua 11:19-20?
  • Read Ephesians 2:4-10 and write down what you learn about mercy in this passage.

How have you seen God be faithful in the book of Joshua? Write down the ways you have seen Him be faithful. Now consider your own life. What ways do you see God being faithful? Write them down in your journal.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Joshua 10: Keeping Covenant

If you remember before Spring Break we studied chapter 9 of Joshua where the children of Israel made a covenant with a group of people inside the land. This week we will look at what it means for them to keep that covenant. 


  • Read Joshua 10
  • Read Joshua 10 and mark every reference to: Joshua, Gibeonites, the people of Israel, The Lord, 5 Kings of the Amorites, struck, fight (fought)
  • Using your journal write down the answers to the following questions:
  • Who rose up against the Gibeonites? Why?
  • Why did Israel get involved? 
  • What does the Lord say about this matter?
  • How are the Amorites killed?
  • What event happens here that makes it like "no day like it before or after"
  • What happens to the kings of the Amorites? 
  • What happens after Joshua kills the kind of the Amorites? What cites are then conquered? 
  • Why were Joshua and the people able to defeat these cities? (Verse 42)


  • Why did the Israelites get involved when someone rises up against the Gibeonites? 
  • Read 2 Samuel 21:1-14 and mark every reference to covenant (and oath). What do you learn in this passage about the gravity of making a covenant and not honoring it? 
  • Read 1 Samuel 20:15-17,23,42 and mark the words agreement and oath (like you did for covenant). Why was Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan spared? 

What have you learned about the gravity of covenant? Why is this lesson important for us?  What else did you learn about God this week? How does what you have learned changed what you know to be true and how you live your life? 

Monday, March 7, 2016

Joshua 9: The Gibeonites


  • Read Joshua 9
  • Read Joshua 9 and mark every reference to: Joshua, the Gibeonites, the land, covenant (sworn, oath),
  • In your journal record the flow of events in Joshua 9.
  • Answer the following questions in your journal:
  • Where are the Gibeonites from?
  • Why do they want to make a convenant with Israel?
  • Does Israel consult the Lord in this matter?
  • Is Israel hesitant to make a covenant? How come?
  • What is the conflict that arises in Joshua 9:16-27 between the people and their leaders? What was the decision?

A covenant is a solemn binding agreement between two people or parties. A covenant made between two parties brought the parties into a partnership which agreed, among other things, protection from one's enemies. A covenant is not something to be entered into lightly. Once made covenants were only broken by death. 

  • Read Exodus 23:20-33, Exodus 34:12-16 and Deuteronomy 7:1-2. In your journal write out how these passages connect with our passage in Joshua. (Make sure you note why God says what He does about covenants).
  • Do you remember what happened at the end of the last chapter? What had Israel just heard? 

What have you learned this week about the Lord or what it means to follow Him. Write down your thoughts in your journal.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Joshua 8: Ai


  • Read Joshua 8
  • Read Joshua 8 and mark the following words: Joshua, Ai, God, ambush, commanded, references to time
  • In your journal make a list about everything you learn about the word commanded in this chapter.
  • What strategy did God give Joshua about the city of Ai? How did the events unfold? Write down your answers in your journal.


  • Using Blue Letter Bible look up the words spoil, plunder, & ambush and write down what you learn in your journal.
  • This isn't the first fight against Ai. What is different about this battle compared to the previous one? 
  • Read Deuteronomy 27 and compare it to the events in this chapter. What does this tell you about Joshua and his leadership? Does it give you any further insight into what happens in Joshua 8:30-35? Write down what you learn in your journal.

Did you learn anything new about God this week? What did you learn about leadership? Spend a little bit of time writing out what you are learning in Joshua and how it is shaping your view of God.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Joshua 7

Last week we saw the walls fall down at Jericho, this week we will talk more about things under the ban.


  • Read Joshua 7
  • Read Joshua 7 and mark the following key words: Joshua, the ban, sin, The Lord, Israel, Achan
  • Answer the following questions regarding the text in your journal:
    • Where did Israel go after Jericho?
    • How did Ai compare to Jericho?
    • What happened at Ai?
    • What did God tell Joshua about what had happened?
    • How did they determine who stole something?
    • Why did Achan steal?
    • What had Joshua told the people right before they went into Jericho?
    • What happened to Achan?

  • What does the phrase under the ban mean? Look it up using Blue Letter Bible and write down the definition in your journal.
  • Looking up the following cross references and write down what you learn regarding things under the ban:
    • Deuteronomy 7:22-26
    • Deuteronomy 13:12-18
    • Joshua 22:20
  • Read Genesis 3:1-7 and 2 Samuel 11:1-6; 12:9-12 and compare this with what you learned about Achan.
    • Do you see any similarities 
    • Do you think there is a lesson here for us? What?
  • According to Ephesians 4:22-32 what are some things forbidden to us today?
  • How are we to consecrate ourselves when we have done something forbidden? What does 1 John 1:9 say we need to do?
Spend some time with the Lord processing and praying through any sin that is in your life. Be honest and take it seriously and allow God to deal with you.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Joshua 6: Jericho

This week we will look at our first battle. We have often talked about how God promised to go before His people in battle, now we will see it in action.


  • Read Joshua 6
  • Read Joshua 6 and mark the following words: Joshua, Jericho, God/Lord, Rahab, ark of covenant, ban, references to time.
  • In your journal list the progression of events in this chapter.
  • Read the following questions and write the answers in your journal:
    • What were the conditions at Jericho?
    • What does God tell Joshua about the city?
    • What instructions does the Lord give regarding getting into the city?
    • Who was to be involved in the events of the wall coming down?
    • What happens to the wall? According to the text is there any significance in the way it falls?
    • What happens to Rahab? Do you remember where Rahab lived?

Read the following questions and write the answers in your journal:

  • Using Blue Letter Bible look up the phrases fall down flat and write down what you learn in your journal.
  • What have we seen previously about the role of the ark of the covenant? Why do you think God instructed the Israelites to carry it around the city of Jericho? Why are the priests involved?
  • Why is there the interruption of events in Joshua 6:17-19? What instruction or warning does Joshua give the people?

What do you learn about the might and the power of God? Do you look at God that way? Write down in your journal what the Lord is teaching you this week.

This is an interesting article regarding what archeologists have studied at Jericho: http://www.biblearchaeology.org/post/2008/06/The-Walls-of-Jericho.aspx 

Monday, February 8, 2016

Joshua 5

This week we will study Joshua chapter 5. 

Read through Joshua 5
Read through again and mark references to Joshua, Lord/God, circumcised/circumcision, manna
Ask yourself the following questions and write your answers in your journal:

  • What does God call Joshua to do?
  • Why?
  • When and where are the people when this happens?
  • What else do you see happening in this chapter? 
  • What happens with the manna? Why?

Why was it so important for the men to be circumcised? Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about circumcision:
  • Genesis 17:10-14,22-27
  • Exodus 4:24-26 
Taking in what you have learned from these verses, why is it important that the men are circumcised?

Look up Exodus 16 and write down what you learn about the manna the children of Israel were eating. 

Read Exodus 3 and write down how what you see in Exodus 3 connects to what is happening at the end of Joshua 5.

What is the Lord showing you in His Word about Himself, how He works, how He takes care of His people? Write down your thoughts in your journal. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Joshua 3-4: Crossing the Jordan

This week we will see one of God's promises in the making. The children of Israel are going to cross the Jordan River and begin to take the land the Lord has given them. This week we will focus on Joshua 3-4.

Read Joshua 3-4.
Read Joshua 3-4 and mark every reference to: Joshua, Moses, ark of the covenant, Jordan/Jordan River, God, commanded, references to time
Ask yourself the following questions and write down the answers in your journal:

  • When were the children of Israel to cross the Jordan? 
  • What does God tell Joshua about what is going to happen? 
  • What is Joshua's response? 
  • How were the children of Israel going to cross the Jordan? 
  • What is the role of the ark of the covenant in crossing?
  • What happened when the priests got into the Jordan with the ark of the covenant? 
  • What does Joshua command twelve men from the people to do after the nation had crossed the Jordan? 
  • Why does Joshua tell the twelve men to do this? What is the point? 
  • How many men equipped for war crossed the Jordan? 
  • What was the people's response to Joshua after this event? 


  • Read Exodus 14. Write down in your journal how this event compares to Joshua 3-4.
  • Remembering what God has promised the people about His part in gaining possession of the land (Exodus 6:8 & Deuteronomy 7:1-2), why do you think God had the ark leading the people?
Be ready to share what you learned this week. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Joshua 2: Rahab and the Spies

This week we will walk through chapter 2 of Joshua. For some of you this may be a familiar story. I encourage you to look at the story with fresh eyes.

Read Joshua chapter 2
Read back through Joshua chapter 2 and mark every reference to Joshua, the spies, Rahab, the land, and the inhabitants of the land.
In your journal ask yourself these questions and write down the answers:

  • What do you learn about Rahab? 
    • Who is she? 
    • Where does she live? 
    • What does she tell the men of the city who come looking for the spies? 
    • What does she tell the spies about the inhabitants of the land? 
    • What does she ask of the spies regarding herself and her family?
    • How do the spies answer her? What instructions do they give her? 
  • What do you learn about the spies?
    • What are the spies sent to do? 
    • How do they get out of the city?
    • What report do the spies bring back to Joshua? 
  • What do you learn about God? 
    • What stories have the inhabitants of the land heard? 
    • How do the inhabitants of the land feel about Joshua and the people of Israel and their God?

Look up the following words in Hebrew using Blue Letter Bible:
  • melted
  • no courage
Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about Rahab:
  • Hebrews 11:31
  • James 2:25
  • Joshua 6:22-25
  • Matthew 1:5

Be ready to talk about what you learned about Rahab and her part in the story of the people of Israel. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Joshua 1

Last week we looked at the background of Joshua and the land. As you work through this lesson, remember the things that you learned. Remember how long the children of Israel have been waiting for God to give them the land.

Remember in observation we are asking what does the text say. We aren't looking to add our thoughts, but looking for what is obviously written in the text.

  • Read Joshua 1 looking for key people and places
  • Read Joshua 1 this time mark every reference to Joshua and the land (I'm going to mark Joshua with a blue circle and the land with a green double underline).
  • Get out your journal and make a list of everything you learn about Joshua and everything you learn about the land. 
  • Did you see any other key words that we should mark? (Remember key words are repeated words that help unlock the meaning of the text) Go back through and mark references to: strong and courageous, possess, the Lord commanded (or any phrases like it).
Interpretation is when we ask ourselves what does the text mean. This step is when we dig a little deeper into the text. 
  • using Blue Letter Bible look up the following words:
    • strong
    • courageous
    • dismayed
  • Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about being strong and courageous:
    • Hebrews 13:5-6
    • 2 Thessalonians 3:3
    • John 16:33
    • Ephesians 6:10-11
    • 1 Corinthians 16:13

Joshua and the people were going to experience some scary things in the land. Some of the people they were being called to remove from the land were very big and scary. Are there things in your life that seem like they are bigger than you can handle? Are there things God is calling you to that feel giant? Spend some time talking to the Lord about these things and write down what you learned from Joshua 1 that would help you in this situation. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Joshua - The Background

This week we will begin a new study in a new book. We will begin studying the book of Joshua. Before we dive into the book itself there is some background work we need to do. The background to the book of Joshua will be our focus this week. 

So let's dive in:
First we will begin by reading Joshua chapter 1. Read through the chapter and look for the main character and place. 

Did you notice who our main character is? It's Joshua. I want you to spend some time finding out who Joshua is, where has he been, what role has he had in the Bible until now? Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about Joshua.
  • Exodus 17:8-16
  • Exodus 24:12-13
  • Numbers 11:28
  • Numbers 13:1-16, 25-14:12
  • Numbers 14:26-38
  • Numbers 27:15-23
  • Numbers 32:11-13
  • Numbers 34:16-17
  • Deuteronomy 1:34-39
  • Deuteronomy 3:18-29
  • Deuteronomy 31:1-8,14-23
  • Deuteronomy 34:5-9
The main place in the book of Joshua is the land. God gave the people many instructions about life in the land. As you look up the following verses write down specific answers about what you learn about: 
  • the boundaries and those inhabiting the land before Israel. 
  • who is to possess the land and for how long. Watch for references to descendants.
  • any conditions with respect to possessing or living in the land
  • why the former occupants are being evicted and judged
  • God’s role in the occupation of the land 
Below are the verses:

  • Genesis 12:1-7 
  • Genesis 13:12-18 
  • Genesis 15:7-21 
  • Genesis 17:1-8 
  • Genesis 26:1-5 
  • Genesis 28:1-4, 13-16
  • Exodus 6:1, 8 
  • Exodus 23:20-33
  • Leviticus 18:1-3, 24-30—Leviticus 18 gives instructions to Israel of what behaviors would be unacceptable in the land. Does verse 27 give you insight as to why the former inhabitants are being evicted/judged?
  • Leviticus 20:22-24 
  • Leviticus 25:1-23 
  • Leviticus 26:1-9 
  • Numbers 33:40, 50-56
  • Numbers 34:1-15
  • Deuteronomy 7:1-6, 16-26 
  • Deuteronomy 11:8-32 
  • Deuteronomy 32:8-9 
  • Deuteronomy 34:1-4