Welcome to a new study!!! Last year we walked through Ephesians. This last summer we studied how to know God's will. Now we are headed back to a book study: TITUS!
This week we will be diving into Titus 1:1-4. Use the steps below to focus your quiet time each day. Be intentional to sit down with the Lord and wrestle with the text.
Last week we walked together as a group through the overview of Titus. We saw that Paul is writing to Titus in Crete where Paul left him to appoint elders and overseers in every city. We saw that there is a problem that has risen up, there are rebellious men who are not speaking the Truth and confusing entire families. The main key words we saw were: good deeds and sound doctrine. We focused on Titus 2:7-8 as the main theme.
Now before we get started remember the steps we will be doing are:
Observation: What does the text say?
- Look for the obvious and read with a purpose
- Marking key words
- Making lists
Interpretation: What does the text mean?
- Remember the context of the book
- Look up key words using Blue Letter Bible
- Look up cross references
Application: How does the meaning of the text apply to my life?
- How does this affect my belief or what I know to be true?
- How does this affect the way I live my life?
1. Read through the entire book of Titus.
2. Read Titus chapter 1
3. Read Titus 1:1-4
- Ask these questions and write the answers in your journal:
- List in your journal how Paul describes himself in these verses
- For what does Paul describe himself as a bondservant and an apostle?
- What is the knowledge of truth according to?
- How does this fit into the context of the entire book? (sound doctrine and good deeds)
Look up the following key words using Blue Letter Bible and write down what you learn about them in your journal:
- bondservant
- apostle
- faith
- chosen
- knowledge
- of the truth
- godliness
We want to ask ourselves what does it mean to be chosen of God and have a knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness? According to the definition you looked at, can you pull together some understanding of what these phrases mean?
Let's look at the cross references and write down how they help us understand these phrases.
Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about being chosen of God:
- Colossians 3:12
- 2 Timothy 2:10
- 1 Peter 2:9-10
Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about the knowledge of truth:
- Ephesians 1:17
- Philippians 1:8-10
- Colossians 1:9-10
- 2 Timothy 2:24-26
- 2 Peter 1:2-3
Finish this weeks study in prayer, ask the Lord to show you how these verses apply specifically to your life. Write down any thoughts in your journal and come to Bible Study ready to discuss.