Monday, April 20, 2015

Ephesians 6:18-20 Prayer

Read through Ephesians 6: 10-20 and mark the word pray or prayer

Make a list about what you learn about prayer. 

Answer the following questions in your journal:
  • How does Paul call the Ephesians to pray?
  • What does Paul ask the Ephesians to pray for?
  • How do verses 18-20 connect to what we have been studying about the armor?
  • Look at your week how much time you spend in prayer? (Be Honest with yourself and the Lord)
  • How are you praying or what are you spending your time asking for?

Word studies:
Using Blue Letter Bible look up the following words and write down what you learn: prayer, petition, all and times (two words)
What other words do you see in the text that you should look up? Find 1-3 more words, look up the definition, and write down what you learn.

Cross References:
Look up the following verses and write down what you learn about prayer (How should we pray? In what attitude? Why?)
Matthew 6:5-15
1 John 5:14-15
2 Chronicles 7:13-14
Luke 18:1-8
Romans 8:26
James 4:1-4
James 5:13-18

Write down in your journal something the Lord is showing you about your prayer life.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Ephesians 6:17: Salvation and the Word of God

Last week we talked about the shoes of the gospel and the shield of faith. We saw that these characteristics are found in Jesus Himself. This week we will look at the final two pieces of armor. 

Start this week by reading Ephesians 6:10-17. What are the last two pieces of armor? Write down in your journal what the pieces are and why they are given. 

Word Studies:
Looking at our two verses this week what are some word studies you think we should do? Remember to look for words that stick out to you or words that are key words (and will help us unlock the meaning of the text).

Cross References:
Using Blue Letter Bible look up cross references on salvation and word. (Remember you start by clicking on the word like you are doing a word study then scrolling all the way to the bottom. At the bottom you will find every occurrence of the word used in that particular way). Write down 4-6 verses that help you understand the meaning of salvation and word (from different books of the Bible and at least one verse from Ephesians). 

Can't wait to talk through this with you on Thursday. Know that I am praying for you. Hold fast to Jesus this week and remember He is enough for whatever you face.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Ephesians 6:14-15 Gospel and Faith

Last week we talked about the belt of truth and the breastplate of righteousness. We saw that these characteristics are found in Jesus Himself. This week we will look at the next two piece of armor. 

Start this week by reading Ephesians 6:10-17. What are the next two piece of armor? Write down in your journal what the pieces are and why they are given. 

Word Studies:
Looking at our two verses this week what are some word studies you think we should do? Remember to look for words that stick out to you or words that are key words (and will help us unlock the meaning of the text).

Cross References:
Using Blue Letter Bible look up cross references on Gospel and Faith. (Remember you start by clicking on the word like you are doing a word study then scrolling all the way to the bottom. At the bottom you will find every occurrence of the word used in that particular way). Write down 4-6 verses that help you understand the meaning of the gospel and faith (from different books of the Bible and at least one verse from Ephesians). 

Can't wait to talk through this with you on Thursday. Know that I am praying for you. Hold fast to Jesus this week. Be on alert for the enemy who seeks to devour you!