Sit down and read through chapter 1. Now it's time to do some marking. As you read through chapter 1 have you noticed any key words? Remember that key words are repeated and they help us unlock the meaning of the text. Write down in your journal any words or phrases that you think might be key words in chapter 1.
Mark It
What did you write down? It's time to get out our pens and read and mark chapter 1. Remember that we want to read with a purpose, so don't skim through it. I like to mark one key word at a time. This helps me slow down and really see what the text is saying. So let's get to it! Read through chapter 1 and mark these words/phrases: in Christ, love, the heavenly places, according to, grace, Holy Spirit, and references to time.
List It
Now I want you to get out your journal and make a list of what you learn about being in Christ. Please don't skip this list, it is very important!!! As you make your list remember one way we observe the text is by answering the 5W's & H. Try to answer as many of these when making your list.
Next make a list on what you learn about the phrase according to. Does the phrase according to tell you anything about God, Jesus, or others? Make sure you write down what you learn!
Word Studies & Cross References
It's time to do some word studies and cross references. A word study is when we look up the Greek or Hebrew definition. We use Blue Letter Bible for our word studies. Simply select NASB and search Ephesians 1. Find the verse each word is in and select the blue tools button next to that verse. A box will pop up. Click on the Strong's number (ex. chosen is G1586). This is will give you the page with the definition.
Below are words that I want you to look up using Blue Letter Bible. There are also cross references with each word. Remember that cross references help us gain more understanding of scripture. We want scripture to interpret scripture. Write down the definition of each word and then look at the cross references and write down how they help you understand the word.
- chosen (John 15:16, 1 Peter 1:1-2, 1 Cor 1:26-30)
- predestined (Acts 4:27-28, Acts 2:22-23, Romans 8:28-30)
- redemption (1 Peter 1:18-19, Colossians 1:13-14, Romans 3:24, Romans 8:23)
- grace (2 Cor 8:9, 2 Tim 1:9, Titus 2:11)
- administration (Ephesians 3:9)
- sealed (2 Cor 1:21-22, Ephesians 4:30)
- pledge
- inheritance (1Peter 1:3-5, Titus 3:5-7, James 2:5)
I know this is a lot to look at and think about. be diligent to look at these words and the cross references. It is okay if they don't make sense to you right now, we will pull it all full circle during our discussion.
I am SO EXCITED to discuss this week. Prepare to have your mind blown! I am praying that God will show you how He is faithful to help us understand when we are faithful to study His Word. Be diligent sweet girls.
I am SO EXCITED to discuss this week. Prepare to have your mind blown! I am praying that God will show you how He is faithful to help us understand when we are faithful to study His Word. Be diligent sweet girls.