Saturday, June 15, 2013

Colossians 2: In Him

This week, we will focus on Col 2:9-15. And it’s all about being in Him. Ladies, please know that this week is crucial in our study. I encourage you to not lose heart in your study of the Word.   
Each day as you work on your homework, I encourage you to stop and pray. Ask the Lord to speak to you, ask Him to give you understanding of His Word. I also encourage you to begin each day by re-reading 2:9-15. Begin the week by writing down what you learn about being in Him (remember the Him is Jesus). Make a list of everything you learn about being in Him in Col 2:9-15. 
Okay, now it’s time to break apart our list!! The first thing we see is that in Him the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form. Look up the word  deity on Blue Letter Bible.  Let’s see what else we can learn about God’s deity in Scripture. Look up these cross references: Isaiah 43:10-11, John 10:30, Heb 1:3-4 and write down what you learn about deity.  Now let’s look at another word: Look up the word  fullness on Blue Letter Bible. As you do that look up 3-5 cross references that help you understand more about fullness. Write down in your journal what you learn. Be ready to share what you learn with us on Thursday. Okay, let take it back to Colossians. Go back and read verse 9. Write down any thoughts you have about this verse and why it would be important for the Colossians (and us) to know that Jesus was God. 
In verse 10, we learn that in Him we are made complete. We have said several times that this verse is the theme of Colossians. Look up the Greek definition for “complete”. Next, look up cross references (3-5) for complete.  Write down what you learn about each cross  reference.  Now let’s look up the word “head” in the Greek. Look up 1 Cor 11:3 & Eph 1:22 and write down what you learn about head and Christ being the head of the body. 
In verse 11 we see that we are circumcised in Him. Hmmm.. that seems fishy! Let’s investigate the text! Look up these verses and write in your journal what you learn about circumcision. Who ordained it? Why? Genesis 17, Deuteronomy 30, Romans 2, Philippians 3:2-3, Galatians 5:6. So from these verses write down what Paul is saying in Colossians 2. 
In verse 12, we see that we are buried with Him in Baptism and raised up with Him through faith. Look up the word “baptism” in the Greek. Then read Romans 6:1-11. What does this tell us about baptism? How then are we buried with Him and raised up with Him in baptism? Write down what you learn in your journal. 
In verse 13 & 14 we need to stop and notice a contrast. What is the contrast in this verse? Write it down in your journal. Here we see a contrast between death and life. Answer these questions about these verses in your journal: What were you? What did Jesus do? How did He accomplish this life? Let’s dig a little deeper. Look up the word “transgression” in the Greek. Write down the definition. Now look up Ephesians 2:1-10 and write in your journal what you learn about death and life. Let’s look up some more verses that help us to understand that transformation from death to life (With each passage write down what you learn in your journal): Romans 6, James 4:17, 1 John 5:17, 1 John 3:4, Galatians 3:10, Gal 3:13, Romans 7:4-6, Romans 8:3-4. 
So let’s ask ourselves again, how did this life (forgiveness of our sins) come about? Colossians tells us that Jesus canceled the debt of our sin. Look up certificate of debt and write down what you learn. 
Let’s finish with verse 15, write in your journal how verse 15 relates to what we have already seen in verses 11-14. Look up these verses and write down what you learn: John 12, Hebrews 2:14-15, 1 Peter 3. 
WOW, so much this week. But wasn’t it SO good! Don’t you love seeing who Jesus is, and what He has done on our behalf? I pray that God has shown you more about Himself through His Word this week. I pray your love for the Word has grown deeper. I pray that He is rooting your faith in Him this week and you see who you are in Him!!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Colossians 2: Don't Be Deluded; Have Knowledge

Hey friends! Let’s dive in deeper to chapter 2. Chapter 2 is about things that might delude the Colossians. Things that might take them captive. 

We talked about Paul’s struggle. We know he was laboring for those he had never even seen. In your journal make a small list of what Paul desired their hearts to be encouraged by.

One of the things Paul is wanting for the Colossians is that their hearts would have a true knowledge of God’s mystery. We have talked about knowledge and mystery before.  Let’s remind ourselves what we have learned. Look up the definition of "knowledge" and "mystery" on Blue Letter Bible. A tutorial of how to do that is here.

Once you have the definition pulled up, scroll toward the bottom. The verses below the definition are cross references on that word. Read through the cross references for each word. In your journal write down 3 verses that help you understand the word knowledge and what you learn about knowledge in those verses. 

In your journal answer these questions: According to Colossians who is the mystery? What things are hidden in the mystery? List them.

Jesus is the mystery.  One of the things we get in Him is wisdom. Do you remember our lesson wisdom? Wisdom is the capacity to understand and hence act wisely.  In your journal answer the following questions: What do we see about wisdom in chapter 2? How does this relate to what we  have seen already in Paul’s prayer in chapter 1?

Open up 1 Corinthians and read chapters 1-3. Write down everything you learn about wisdom. 

What is Paul concerned about for the Colossians in chapter 2:4-8? What are Paul’s hopes for them? What does he ultimately want the outcome to be in their lives? List these things.

The first thing is that they would not be deluded with persuasive argument. Look up the word “persuasive argument. Look up 2 Cor 2:4. Write down what you lean about persuasive argument.

Next Paul tells them he rejoices to see their good discipline and the stability of their faith. Look up the definitions for discipline and stability. Write down 1-3 cross references that help you understand what the text is saying here. 

Then Paul tells them to walk in Jesus. Look up the word walk and write down what you learn about it. Look up Ephesians 4:1-3, Ephesians 5:8, 5:15, Romans 6:4, Gal 5:16, & 1 John 1:6-7. Write down what you learn about walking. 

Lastly, they were to see to it that they were not taken captive through empty deception & philosophy. Look up the words “philosophy”, “empty”, and “deception”. Look up these cross references and write down what you learn about empty deception or philosophy: Ephesians 5:6 & Acts 17:16-34

Do you see a contrast in Colossians 2:8? Look for it and write down the contrast in your journal. We will talk more about this in Bible Study.

Well, that is it for this week. I know it requires much study. I pray that you will be faithful to study. I pray that God is growing in you a love for His Word. I pray that He is making you hungry for it. Please come to Bible Study with your journal. Be ready to talk about the Mystery and Paul's concerns (and hopes) for the Colossians.